As kos noted in a story he wrote here earlier this year, Daily Kos now has the ability to send an email blast out to 1.9 million email addresses, when the need arises to send out a message.
1.9 million email addresses
Which receive messages about candidates or issues which Daily Kos finds important enough to want to raise awareness or bring action on.
Which is a GOOD thing, for a place whose underlying mission is More and Better Democrats.
But Daily Kos isn’t about just politics, and it hasn’t been just about politics for a long time now, and two of the people responsible for the Orange Clubhouse becoming a true Community are Sara R and winglion (Sara and Ann Reed).
What do these two ladies need from the Daily Kos Community?
They need an email blast sent out to those 1.9 million email addresses, pointing to their Kickstarter for Pootie Pads.
Why should Daily Kos help them?
How about these 135 reasons, beginning with Othniel and exmearden and ending with Dr Ferguson Reid Sr — but that isn’t the end, really, because they are hard at work as I write this on another Community Quilt Project.
How could sending an email blast out help them?
Since Sara R launched their Kickstarter last Friday (Sept 16th) 51 53 kind souls have already become Sponsors of the Pootie Pads Kickstarter and pledged $4,398 $4,513 — which is great. But it’s only about 20% of the total needed to fully fund their project.
TO BE CLEAR — this is not a plea to donate cash to help with an urgent need. This is a plea to help SPREAD THE WORD to enough people so that their Kickstarter receives enough sponsors to be fully funded.People who will find the launching of a small hobby business into a fully-fledged, full-time, LIVING WAGE business which will end the relentless poverty which these two hard-working ladies have fallen into through no fault of their own something worth reading about and sharing.
Which is why I am writing this today.
Because there is a sure-fire way to ensure that their Kickstarter is successful — to reach at least a million people. Because if at least a million people read about the Pootie Pads Kickstarter, I have no doubt that this project will fully fund.
So please, join me in asking the Daily Kos Founder and Publisher to use the power of Daily Kos for good, to do nothing more than send out a brief message and a link to the Pootie Pads Kickstarter. To change the course of the lives of Sara R and Ann and help them bootstrap their way into a better, more financially secure future.
Because if a Community rewards good works, then these two have certainly earned a Good Word from the Community they are members of.
The message they need sent out? It need not be an endorsement of the product or the Kickstarter, just a short message bringing its existence to the attention of those 1.9 million people whose email addresses Daily Kos uses regularly to ask for donations for campaigns and projects. Something like this:
Two dedicated Daily Kos Community members who have done so much to promote Community here at Daily Kos have launched a Kickstarter. Find details at this link: Pootie Pads — organic herb-filled quilts for pets and people
Please, REC this story and cast a vote in the poll and let kos know how the Daily Kos Community feels about Sara R and winglion.
FROM THE COMMENTS from asterkitty:
The Daily Kos community is best represented by what Sara and Ann have created. Between the seriousness and beauty of the Community Quilt Project, and the sometimes silliness that birthed the Pootie Pads (via the beloved Pootie diaries)… If on rare occasion an exception to the “political” needs to be made, then nothing deserves a Daily Kos email blast more than this Kickstarter project.
And if the personal is political, then… Community is political. The support of local small business is political. Love is political. The hand-made, in these low-wage mass-manufactured times, is political.
HELL YES!!! These two sweethearts have been years making quilts to comfort people in their time of need. We all owe them.
FROM THE COMMENTS by MissSpentyouth
This is a grandamntastuliculastidociously perfect use of DKos email blasteritudinousness. Here we have the chance to commemorate the amazing abilities of our community to take care of one another, the can-do contributions of DKos bloggers who have expertise in a unique form of articulating and disseminating that care, the opportunity to create jobs within our community, and the chance to uplift and underscore the intrinsic and extrinsic healing powers of art.
It’s good news aaaaaaaaaaall the way down.
As a recipient of a DKos Community Care Quilt, I may be biased. But let’s take a moment or two to celebrate the bias that creates awareness and maintains a high level of concern for each stitch and every square of the glorious Orange chaos that is the quilt. Through thick and thin, through feast and famine bad, through the turbulent “interesting times” that we go through together, we’ve made a lot happen.
Sara R and Winglion epitomize that spirit, and we shouldn’t hesitate to grab a chance to let our quilt quips climb. (I was sooooo tempted to write “climb” with a “q,” but I held that stallion at bay just so I could mix other metaphors at will.) (You’re welcome.)
I vote YES, LET’S SING THE BODY ELECTRIC. Let’s make the very best out of what we’re best at: getting the word out about events and people we care about, telling folks when we find something worth modeling in the greater world, harnessing technology to the task of making things better.